FAQ: Tarot for Fiction Writers
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Do I need to buy a tarot deck to use the exercises in this book?

While not strictly required, it is highly recommended to work with your own physical tarot deck to get the most out of the prompting exercises. This allows you to view multiple cards simultaneously, make connections between them, and have a tactile experience free from digital distractions. Decks are not included in any of the reward tiers, but you will find several pocket-sized tarot decks in the add-ons section.

However, if you prefer to try it first before purchasing a deck, you can use an online tarot randomizer site like https://randomtarotcard.com/

Last updated: March 12, 2024 16:04

What if I'm not a "woo-woo" person? Are we using the cards for fortune telling?

Not at all! While tarot spreads can be used for divination, we’re using the cards solely as creative prompts - not for fortune telling. The techniques involve drawing from the symbolism, imagery, and other aspects of the cards to spark new story ideas, add depth to your characters, and send your imagination down unexpected paths.

Even if you’re a total skeptic when it comes to the mystical side of tarot, these exercises can be incredibly valuable. There’s actually neurological research showing that using random visual cues like tarot cards allows you to access a much broader range of memories and associations than working alone.

If you’re comfortable using visual prompts, writing prompts, or even just asking a friend for a random word or object to incorporate into your story, then you’ll likely find this process very natural. The benefit of a 78-card tarot deck is that it provides a more robust set of prompts than many other options.

So whether you’re drawn to the spiritual elements or not, the creative exercises in this book can be an amazing tool for writers of all backgrounds. It’s all about using the cards to unlock your imagination!

Last updated: March 08, 2024 16:39

Do I have to memorize all the card meanings?

No memorization required. While you may find yourself going down a tarot rabbit hole after using these techniques, memorizing every card’s meaning is totally unnecessary. Even for cards I’m familiar with, I still like to look up interpretations in multiple guidebooks to gain fresh insights and perspectives.

This book includes a handy Storytellers’ Tarot Reference Guide covering all 78 cards’ meanings, how they could relate to characters and conflicts, plus sections on tarot numerology and symbols. Most decks also come with a guidebook offering the author’s unique spin on traditional meanings.

Last updated: March 08, 2024 16:39

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